Applies to: Z4

Managing tools and tool magazines

The workflow for restoration is as follows:

Managing tools


Damaging of the spindle or the tool positions if you use improper tools

Inappropriate tools may damage the spindle collet chuck and/or tool positions.

  • Use only tools with a sufficiently large chamfer on the tool shaft.

  • Install a retaining ring as a stop ring according to DIN 471-A3.

    This does not apply to AirTools.

  • See the further instructions in chapter Technical data.

We recommend original tools as they are designed especially for the designated jobs.

The machine uses exchangeable tool magazines that can hold up to 6 tools each.


For each job, you need to insert the appropriate magazine into the working chamber.

Tool magazine which is mounted to the tool magazine holder; tool positions marked orange

You can store magazines that are currently not needed in the multi-purpose drawer.

A sensor recognizes the tool magazine which is currently mounted into the working chamber. The touchscreen displays the required magazine for each job and whether it is mounted into the working chamber.

The machine can change tools automatically during machining, thus it executes jobs without your intervention.

If tool magazine inserts become worn, exchange them.  Exchanging the tool magazine inserts

Color codes of the tool magazines

The tool magazines have color codes for the individual materials. In the following table you find an overview:

Color code Material Letter


Wax and plastics (PMMA)









Non-precious metals (Cobalt chrome / Titanium)



Glass ceramics


Inserting and exchanging tools

You need to insert or exchange tools in the following cases:

  • Upon first use of the machine
  • After replacing a tool magazine (in case of loss or damage)
  • After exchanging tool magazine inserts due to wear
  • When the tool life of a tool has expired
  • When tools are damaged or worn

When you select a job in the Jobs section, a check box indicates whether you need to exchange tools before machining.

You can use the Tools section of the touchscreen for managing tools:

  • To check the tool life values.
  • To check which tool magazine positions the individual tools are assigned to.

The maximum values for tool service life that you can actually achieve with your tools depend on many factors, such as the quality of the tools, the quality of the blanks, machine maintenance and cleaning, etc. Therefore, the tool life values that your machine is shipped with are default values. Due to a self-learning function, they will become more precise over time.

  1. To open the Tools section, select the depicted icon.
    • The Jobs section displays. 1 magazine has been selected and the corresponding tools are displayed.


    1. Color code of the currently selected tool magazine
    2. Tool with expired tool life (red circle)
    3. Tool life value indicator (blue outer circle)
    4. Menu for selecting the tool magazine
    5. Marking for the tool magazine currently inserted in the working chamber
    6. Marking for the tool magazine currently shown on the touchscreen
  2. Select the desired tool magazine from the menu at the bottom display border.
    • The tools of the corresponding tool magazine display as circles.
      1. The tool match codes are displayed in the middle of each circle.
      2. Tools with expired tool life values display in red.
      3. Each circle is assigned to a specific position of the corresponding magazine.

    Top: Tool positions 1 – 6 in the tool magazine
    Bottom: Tool positions 1 – 6 on the touchscreen

  3. If tool life values have expired, remove the corresponding tools from the tool magazine.
  4. Insert the new tools:
    1. Ensure that the positions of the tools in the tool magazine match the tool positions on the touchscreen.
    2. Insert the tools in the tool positions with the edge facing downward. Push them in until the ring touches the rubber.

    If the positions of the tools in the tool magazine do not match the tool positions on the touchscreen, the machine will use the wrong tool(s) during job execution and the job result will become unusable.


  5. After replacing a tool, reset the tool life value. For this, select the corresponding icon on the touchscreen.
  6. Plug the tool magazine back onto the tool magazine holder if required.

    • The tool life value of the tool is reset. The circle displays in blue.

Attaching and exchanging tool magazines


Damage of the tool magazines and tool magazine holder

If you tilt the tool magazine when mounting it or the holder is dirty, the magazine can no longer be easily inserted into the holder. If you mount or remove tool magazines by force, you can damage the tool magazine and the tool magazine holder.

  • Always keep the tool magazine holder and the holes in the tool magazines clean.
  • Grease the tool magazine holder according to the information in the maintenance table.
  • Plug tool magazines straightly onto the holder. If necessary, remove the magazine and reattach it.

You exchange tool magazines by pulling them off and plugging them on the tool magazine holder.


In case a tool magazine gets stuck on the holder, use the screw on the backside of the tool magazine to loosen it.

  1. Pick up a flat blunt tool (e.g. a slot screwdriver).
  2. Use the tool to remove the protective cap on the screw and put it aside within reach.
  3. Using the provided Allen key, turn the screw clockwise.
    • The tool magazine moves backwards and is released.


  4. Remove the tool magazine from the working chamber.
  5. Reset the screw to its original state:
    1. Using the provided Allen key, turn the screw counterclockwise into its original position.
    2. Cover the opening with the protective cap.
      • The screw is reset and the tool magazine is ready to be mounted again.


You can use the touchscreen to choose the right tool magazine for the next job:

  1. To open the Jobs section, select the depicted icon.
    • The Jobs section displays. The details of the next queued job display.
  2. If necessary, switch to the desired job by using the left and right arrow (marked orange) in the left bottom corner of the touchscreen.

    • The touchscreen displays the required tool magazine and if it is mounted into the working chamber.

    The tool magazine details in the Jobs section

    1. Check box indicating whether the required tool magazine is mounted:

      means not mounted

      means mounted

    2. The color code and letter of the required tool magazine. Color codes of the tool magazines
  4. If an incorrect tool magazine is mounted, remove this magazine by pulling it off the tool magazine holder (See this figure, blue arrow).
  5. To mount the required tool magazine, identify it by comparing the color code:
  6. The color code on the touchscreen (left) and on the tool magazine are identical

  7. Make sure that the contact surfaces of the tool magazine holder and the tool magazine are clean.
  8. You can only execute jobs when the machine recognizes the required tool magazine.

  9. Plug the tool magazine onto the tool magazine holder (See this figure, green arrow).

    1. Position the smaller rear drill hole [2] on the long pin of the tool magazine holder. Push it onto the bolt until you feel a resistance.
    2. Overcome the resistance by pushing the tool magazine harder onto the bolt.
    3. Align the smaller front drill hole [1] with the short pin of the tool magazine holder. Push the tool magazine onto the short bolt until it is properly seated on the tool magazine holder.