Applies to: DentalCAM 8.11

Marking and deleting cavities

This procedure belongs to step 5 of the simple nesting workflow.

This procedure belongs to step 8 of the complete nesting workflow.

Cavities must be marked for optimum editing. Optimum editing includes grinding repetitions and using optional tools. Incorrectly marked and unmarked cavities must be marked manually with the editing function for cavities.

Deleting and marking cavities in the nesting view for adjusting objects

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Marking cavities

  1. (Optional) Select the desired object in the blank display.

    • DentalCAM highlights the object in the object list with a colored border.

    Figure is an example

  2. Open the editing functions for the required object with the following icon in the left column: 

    • The icon bar for the editing functions is displayed.


  3. Open the editing function for marking cavities with the following icon:

  4. Opening the editing function for marking cavities (icons marked orange)

    • The icon bar for marking cavities is displayed.

    Icon bar for marking cavities; follow the workflow from left to right

    1. Icon for starting the workflow
    2. Icon for marking the prep-line
    3. Icon for adjusting the machining angle
    4. Icon for completing the workflow
  5. If the object has any incorrectly marked cavities, delete them.
  6. Start the workflow by selecting the following icon in the left column:
  7. Click in the center of the cavity you want to mark.
    • DentalCAM tries to detect the prep line of the cavity and marks it with black dots.

      Some dots may lie outside of the prep-line because DentalCAM couldn’t recognize all parts of the prep-line correctly. You will have to manually correct these errors.

  8. Continue by selecting the following icon in the left column:
  9. Activate or deactivate the placement aid by selecting the following icon (marked orange):

    Icon for activating or deactivating the placement aid (marked orange)

    • Icon when the placement aid is activated:
    • Icon when the placement aid is deactivated:
    • If the placement aid is activated, the dots will snap to the prep-line.
  10. Drag all dots to the prep line. Select and hold outlying points and drag them onto the prep line of the cavity until the prep line is completely marked with points.
  11. Marked prep-line of a cavity with several outlying points

    A correctly marked prepline

  12. Continue by selecting the following icon in the left column:
  13. 5-axis machines only: If the opening surface of the cavity is not parallel to the blank surface, correct the machining angle. As a result, the machine increases the angle of attack of the rotational axis and compensates for the alignment of the object in the STL file.

    Rotate the object with the following value bars:

    • RX: Rotate around the X-axis.
    • RY Rotate around the Y axis.

    The STL file remains unchanged. You must correct the machining angle for every affected cavity.

  14. Object with improper orientation for milling out cavities; part which the tool cannot reach indicated by the arrow

    Object with corrected machining angle for milling out cavities

  15. Finish the workflow by selecting the following icon in the left column:
    • DentalCAM colors the cavity in green and adds it to the list of cavities in the left column. The application assigns a sequential number to the cavity.
  16. Save your changes with the lower arrow icon:

  17. Close the area for the editing function with the upper arrow icon:

Deleting cavities

  1. (Optional) Select the desired object in the blank display.

    • DentalCAM highlights the object in the object list with a colored border.

    Figure is an example

  2. Open the editing functions for the required object with the following icon in the left column: 

    • The icon bar for the editing functions is displayed.


  3. Open the editing function for marking cavities with the following icon:

  4. Opening the editing function for marking drilling ranges (icons marked orange)

    • DentalCAM displays a list of all marked cavities in the left column.

    A list of all marked cavities for 1 object

  5. To find the desired cavity in the list, select the marking for the cavity in the blank display.
    • DentalCAM marks the selected cavity in the list with a blue border.

    A list of all marked cavities for 1 object

  6. To delete the cavity, select the following icon:
    • DentalCAM removes the entry from the list and the cavity in the blank display is no longer colored in green.
  7. Manually mark the cavity.
  8. Save your changes with the lower arrow icon:

  9. Close the area for the editing function with the upper arrow icon:

What's next?

Next editing function for objects:

Creating sinter bars for bridges

If you are finished with adjusting objects:

Setting bars

If you are unsure whether you are finished nesting the current blank, see the simple and complete nesting workflow:

How to nest objects

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