Applies to: DentalCNC 8.11

Application settings of DentalCNC

Where are the settings of DentalCNC? Where can I configure machining?

The application settings of DentalCNC enable you to set important parameters which influence your machining workflow.

  • Open the DentalCNC Application settings with the following icon in the main icon bar

Like other features in DentalCNC, settings are machine-specific. If a specific setting doesn’t display, it is not available for your machine.

The DentalCNC application settings and local icon bar

The local icon bar for the sub-settings in the DentalCNC application settings

The DentalCNC application settings contains a local icon bar which offers you access to the following sub-settings:

General settings

Here you can specify general machining and software parameters.

General application settings of DentalCNC

Current machine parameters

Here you can see the current values of parameters such as the incoming compressed air pressure, operating hours of the spindle etc.

Current machine parameters

Machine maintenance

Some maintenance tasks are machine-assisted. Here you can execute the corresponding functions.

Maintaining the machine with DentalCNC

Machining log

During machining, DentalCNC writes technical details about individual machining steps into log files. Here you can view these machining logs.

Viewing the log file

Tool list

Here you can manually specify the maximum tool life for each supported tool.

Changing tool parameters in the tool list

Additional general settings for service technicians

Here you can change additional general settings for service technicians.

DentalCNC settings for service technicians