Applies to: DentalCAM 8.10

Editing functions in the nesting view

With the editing functions for individual objects, you can edit specific parameters (orientation, cavities, etc.) of individual objects in your blank.

  • You can edit 1 object at a time.

  • You can select an object for editing via the object list.

The editing functions are only available for objects without bars.

  • Open the Nesting view for adjusting objects with the following icon in the main icon bar:

The editing functions

The object list in the nesting view for adjusting objects

Further information on the object list: Changing the status of objects / deleting objects

How to open the editing functions

  1. (Optional) Select the desired object in the blank display.

    • DentalCAM highlights the object in the object list with a colored border.


  2. Open the editing functions for the required object by selecting the following icon in the left column: 

    • The icon bar for the editing functions is displayed.


How to save or discard changes made with the editing functions

When you have opened an editing function, 2 sections display in the left column:

  • The icon bar for the editing functions (upper section)
  • The control elements for the currently selected editing function (lower section)

Example: Upper section (marked orange) and lower section (marked blue) of an open editing function

Saving your changes

  1. Save your changes with the lower arrow icon:

  2. Example: Icon to save your changes made with the editing functions (marked orange)

    • DentalCAM saves your changes. The lower section no longer displays.
  3. Close the area for the editing function with the upper arrow icon:

  4. Icon to close the editing functions (marked orange)

Discarding your changes

  1. Discard your changes by selecting the following icon in the lower section:
  2. Example: Icon to discard your changes made with the editing functions (marked orange)

    • DentalCAM discards your changes. The lower section no longer displays.
  3. Close the area for the editing function with the upper arrow icon:

  4. Icon to close the editing functions (marked orange)

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