Applies to: Z4

Operation: Executing jobs

How do I start machining? How can I start milling? How can I start grinding?



Damage to the machine when using damaged tools and blanks

If tools or blanks are damaged, parts can break off and damage the machine during job execution.

  • Check the blanks and tools thoroughly for damage before every job execution.

When you have prepared your jobs and your machine, you can start machining. Machining is a fully automated process and only requires your attention in case of unexpected events.

Do not move the machine during job execution, otherwise the results may become imprecise.

  1. Ensure the following:
    • You created a job on your CAD computer. It has been transferred to the machine.
    • The correct tool magazine is inserted into the working chamber.
    • All required tools are in the right positions in the tool magazine and are neither worn nor damaged.
    • The required blank is mounted.
    • There is enough cooling liquid in the cooling liquid tank.
  2. Close the working chamber door.
  3. Proceed as follows:

    Start machining via the depicted icon in DentalCNC.

  4. Start machining via the touchscreen..