Applies to: TrimCAM

Release Notes

 New functions | Improvement of an existing function | Bug Fixes

Version 1.5


Improved software interface

TrimCAM now has a new interface.

Accelerated trimline calculation and improved response times

Calculated immediately TrimCAM the Trimline faster. The response times of TrimCAM have been improved.

Manual trimline editing via Bezier curves

You can now edit the trimline using control points and Bezier curves.


Additional features and changes

Drainage hole in the base

The base now has a drainage hole through which excess resin can drain off during the SLA process. This makes it easier to detach the printed dental arch model.

Bug Fixes

Improved trim line detection

Problems detecting the trimline have occurred on models where individual teeth are missing.

This behavior has been corrected.

Version 1.4


Trim line import

You can now import trim lines from CAD applications.

Creating new jobs

Version 1.3.1


Function for labeling the dental arch models

You can now label the dental arch models with their file names.

TrimCAM is now available in Japanese

The user interface is now available in Japanese.

  • To select the language, select Settings.

Protective foil thicknesses starting at 2 mm can be processed

You can now process TrimCAM protective foils with a thickness of 2–5 mm.

Additional features and changes

Calculating the interval of the trim lines during serial machining

The interval calculation allows you to specify how many trim lines should be calculated. This shortens the calculation time of the trim lines during serial machining.

Setting up serial machining

Search field in the job list

You can now use the search field to search for jobs.

Base height no longer required

From now on, you no longer need to enter the base height / distance of the trim line from the blank holder.

Improved trim line calculation

The function for calculating the trim line has been improved.

Improved preview image in DentalCNC

The preview image forDentalCNC has been improved and now displays a thicker trim line.

Bug Fixes

Error corrected on computers with certain processors

TrimCAM could not be started on computers with certain processors.

This behavior has been corrected.

Version 1.1.1


Template management moved

The creation and management of job templates now takes place after the job is calculated.

Version 1.1


Serial machining

From now on, you can load multiple STL files into one job and edit them together.

Additional features and changes

Sorting function for the job list

From now on, you can sort the jobs in the job list.

Managing jobs

Improved manual editing of the trim line

Manual editing of the trim line via drag & drop has been improved.

Automatic correction of STL files with an incorrect mesh structure

STL files with an incorrect mesh structure are automatically corrected when they are imported.

Improved printability of the dental arch models

The creation of the CAM STL file has been adjusted. This improves the printability.

Color for buttons added

Selectable buttons are now displayed in blue.

New license file

The license file has been revised.

Bug Fixes

Incorrect milling path calculation corrected

Protective foils were not always completely cut during milling.

This behavior has been corrected.

Error when opening jobs from job list removed

Saved jobs shown in the job list were sometimes not opened.

This behavior has been corrected.

Version 1.0.2


Custom job templates

You can now save settings for trim, base and material parameters as a template.

Moving the trim line manually

You can now drag & drop the trim line in the 3D display.

Additional features and changes

Output folders can now be adjusted

The output folders for 3D printing and milling with DentalCNC can now be adjusted under Settings. New installation is no longer necessary.