Applies to: Wet grinding module


Disposing of the cooling liquid and machining residues


  • Avoid entry of hazardous machining residues into the soil, water or into sewers.

  • Keep a sample of the product to be disposed of for at least 6 months.

  • If required, have the products disposed of by an approved disposal company.

Disposing of the cooling liquid

The cooling liquid must not be disposed of via the sewers.

  • Have the cooling liquid with and without machining residues disposed of by an approved disposal company.

Solid machining residues

  • Dispose of the machining residues as described by the manufacturer of the material.

Disposing of the machine

The machine must not be disposed of with the residual waste. This is indicated by the icon which depicts a crossed out trashcan. In the European Union (EU), this is in accordance with Directive 2012/19/EU.

We dispose of the machine and its packaging free of charge. The owner will bear the costs for disassembly, packaging and transport.

  • Before sending the machine in for disposal, contact your dealer’s customer service or
  • Delete all personal data under your own responsibility from all data carriers of the internal and / or external devices.
  • If necessary, have the machine disposed of by an approved disposal company.

Dismantling, transport and packaging

Transportation and storage