Creating a shared folder for your object data
Goal: You export any object from your CAD application to 1 shared folder. Each DentalCAM installation can import objects from this folder.
Create a shared folder on the server for new STL files.
Make sure that it can be accessed by any computer that is either running your CAD application or DentalCAM.
When you export your STL files with your CAD application, always save them into this shared folder.
Configure DentalCAM:
If you want to manually import files from the shared folder: Set the root folder to the shared folder in the AWL import view (<MadCap:xref href="GLB_CAM_Importing-STL-Files.htm#SpecifyRootFolder"><span style="font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Pro';" class="mcFormatFamily"><span style="font-size: 8pt;" class="mcFormatSize"></span></span> page 1</MadCap:xref>).
If you want DentalCAM to automatically import the files in the shared folder, activate the corresponding option in the application setting .
You can create sub-folders in the shared folder to further differentiate between the object types that you will manufacture (e. g. 'crowns', 'abutments' etc.).