Welcome to ChairsideCAM
ChairsideCAM is a variant of DentalCAM with a specially adapted user interface for the chairside area. The user interface focuses on the typical steps in this workflow.
vhf recommends ChairsideCAM for chairside users.
Main features:
Streamlined interface for accelerated chairside workflow
Designed for single orders – no blank archive available
Exclusively block machining possible
High quality like DentalCAM, because based on the same technology
Basic workflow
- Import your object You create the 3D data for the object with an external CAD application. Next, you import this data into ChairsideCAM and set the necessary machining parameters.
- Nest your object Select the block type and position the object and bars.
- Have your job calculated Once your job is completely designed, the optimal machining strategy for it must be calculated before the CNC machine can get to work. To do this, you only have to click a button or two and DentalCAM will do the rest.
- Execute your job As soon as a job is calculated, it is added to the job list in DentalCNC or the touchscreen of Z4 . You only have to prepare your machine and start machining. Thanks to the DirectMill feature, you can already start machining the job while it is still being calculated.
What's next?
Prepare ChairsideCAM: