The material data base
What is the material database? How can I update the material database?
The material database contains the parameters of all supported blank types. It can be updated separately from DentalCAM & DentalCNC.
The material database is updated more frequently than DentalCAM & DentalCNC.
If your CAM computer
The computer that is connected to your machine and which runs DentalCAM and DentalCNC. is connected to the internet, DentalCNC will update the material database automatically.
New versions of the material database may require new versions of DentalCAM & DentalCNC. If the material database is no longer updated, check whether a new version of the programs is available.
You can view the current material database version by selecting the following icon in the top right corner of DentalCAM‘s or DentalCNC‘s application window:
The material database version displays behind the label.